Shipping conditions

When receiving the product, the recipient is obliged to check the product for possible damage during transport and check a possible shortage of a part (if the product is composed of several parts). If a deficiency is found, the recipient is obliged to report the deficiency immediately.

Before delivering the product, the buyer can be contacted by phone about the time and day of delivery.
The method, costs and time required for delivery will be specified before charging the products, and will be calculated depending on the distance of the warehouse location to the consumer’s destination.

The maximum delivery time in Macedonia cannot be more than 3 working days from the moment of placing the order or up to 30 working days for other countries.

If the order is placed after 5:00 p.m., then the delivery period starts from the next working day.
If the order is placed on a non-working day, the deadline starts from the first working day.
Non-working days are not calculated during the delivery period. reserves the right to extend the delivery period without notifying the buyer for a maximum of 7 days (45 days for other countries) from the moment of placing the order.

If there is a delay in the delivery bears no responsibility if the delay is caused by the company that is hired to carry out the delivery.

You can contact all questions regarding delivery through the contact form.